Priory Junior Admissions Criteria
I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as you read this in preparation for making the important decision as to which school is suitable for your child. I can assure you that we at Priory will do our best to work together with you for the benefit of your child. However, this is only one method of enabling you to make that decision. I would also encourage you to visit us and see for yourself our children at work, our attractive building, our friendly staff and all we have to offer. If you still do not feel you have all the information you need, please ask.
Jack Cross
Applying for a school place
Determined admissions
Please see the Admission Guide below for your information.
You can also contact Nottinghamshire County Council for more information about our admissions arrangements.
Admissionsguideforparents2023 24
Priory Junior School has 4 year groups from Year 3 to Year 6 and each year has two classes with a total PAN of 60 children. At capacity we have 240 children on roll.